Our Appliances & What They Do

Our Appliances (from left to right): Tanker, Hose Layer, Big Fill.

Our Appliances (from left to right): Tanker, Hose Layer, Big Fill.


Main Ridge Tanker (as it is known to us) is at the heart of our firefighting fleet. This reliable old girl is usually the first on scene to a fire and is the main appliance in any fire fight. With 2,000 litres of water, and on board pump, a range of hoses and fittings, and breathing apparatus this truck is ready to work. (pictured left)

Big Fill

The Big Fill is an essential tool for the 'Ridge. Designed by our own members and owned by the brigade, this truck is purpose built for Main Ridge. The Big Fill is basically a big pump on wheels and in a fire situation will establish a water point from almost any dam or other water source. (pictured right)

Hose Layer

Our Hi-Lux Ute is the most versatile vehicle in our fleet. This brigade owned vehicle is built for off road access and carries a portable pump with over 200 meters of hose on board meaning no water source is out of reach. (pictured centre)